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Halim HD

Born 1952

Halim HD

Halim HD is an independent writer, performing arts critic, cultural networker and curator fro performing arts festivals. Since the early 1970’s he has been continuously  writing reviews, criticism, essays on theatre and other arts on Indonesian media. Besides his career as editor of various arts journal and publishing house,  Halim HD has been tirelessly contributing and devoting himself to organizing countless discussions on a wide variety of topics to do with arts, culture and society in Indonesia, as well as organizer of ground breaking festivals and conferences. Among them included the Sarasehan Satra Kontekstual – a debate on the nature of Indonesia Literature (1984); Nur Gora Rupa – art and performance festival in Solo (1994); National Theatre Festival (1994); Makasar Art Forum (1999), Palu arts festival (1999); and since 2009 he created the Mimbar Teater Indonesia – Indonesian teater festival in Solo. Halim HD has spent also his time for teaching and giving workshops and lectures abroad, included in the USA, Australia, the Philipines, Thailand and Japan.

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