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Lucia Bricco

Born 1988, Turyn

Bricco Lucia

Bricco received her artistic education from Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti in Turin, Universidad Complutense in Madrid and the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, from which she graduated in 2015. The artist has participated in such art projects as the exhibition Uscita d’emergenza at MACRO Testaccio in Rome (2015) and Siderare 2015 organised by Fondazione VOLUME! in Rome as well as a range of performance art workshops, such as Laboratorio di Teatro Danza in Rome (2014), The Extreme Moment as Lasting Value in Cologne and Forming Inattention: Becoming Lost in Oberhausen (both 2017). At the turn of 2016, Bricco was a resident at Citè internationale des Arts in Paris.

Bricco’s performative practice relies on the body as a tool to gain understanding of things by means of gestures, which – as she writes – “carry ways of seeing”. She sees her art in terms of looking for questions to be asked and opening spaces of inquiry – it is an art that does not want to express opinions or deliver a message, but exists as a living space between things.

Website: www.luciabricco.com
photo: Vanselow

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